Frequently Asked Questions

How do I edit the weather?

From the home screen press on the weather. Then press on any value that has a marker icon next to it to open the menu. Then select your desired value. Your changes automatically save throughout the app.

When is the ability to edit the weather useful?

Some of the best fisheries don’t have internet access. That’s why we give you the ability add or modify the weather for your current location.

Where does the weather data come from?

Our weather data comes from World Weather Online - a weather provider used by industry leaders from around the world.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Please visit the Apple website for the most up to date cancelation methods. If there is anything you would like to bring to our attention please contact us. We appreciate your feedback.

When and where do my subscriptions renew?

Subscriptions automatically renew at the end of their duration until a user chooses to cancel. Subscriptions are billed to the users designated payment method in their settings (Settings > User > Payment & Shipping).